Eugene Bavinger (1919-1997)

About the Artist

Eugene Bavinger's expressive interest in form led him to become one of Oklahoma's most experimental and technically proficient artists. He believed in the importance of experimentation and creating work that could be recognized for its individuality. As he worked to advance the genre of abstract illusionism, he pioneered a painting process (known as “glass” paintings) in which he first applied acrylic medium and layers of paint to glass before setting a canvas to the painted surface. After the paint had dried, he would meticulously remove the painted canvas from the glass surface.

As a result, the painting would have a smooth and highly reflective surface. Within the painting itself, Bavinger created compositions of light and color with forms that created the illusion of depth.

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Inquire About this Artist


Robert Baribeau (b.1949)


Ross Bleckner (b.1949)